Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Semester break

Semester break starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!!Yea!!!!!This is my plan on this week.Here it is:

Fri: Go to midvalley with my mum's friend daughter,Soo Sien.Plan to go to midvalley to watch a movie.And also bring her to petaling street for jalan-jalan.

Sat until next Sun(6/9) -- Doing household chores and study,study,study.:( Might follow my mum to go for shopping but i m now officially broke!!!!!:( Just hope i can work during year end holidays and earn some money.But i still need to study for my finals at Jan 2010.

Still got 1 month and 3 weeks to go for college exam.Pray hard to get a better results to maintain the scholarship.:)

Monday, August 24, 2009


College life in final semester is so pretty tiring.Business studies getting to be more harder until my brain out of juice already.Econs unit 4 also harder but not as bad as business studies. C3 and C4 is ok for me because i love maths but not at the expert type.:P Accounts getting to be confusing but it need a lot of practice but i didnt do.

Well,i love MCKL so much because the people are actually friendly,sporting,funny and mostly open minded. We will be chatting each other and make fun of others. Well,most of my college are from international schools,so i have to push myself to speak english to them.Well,all along i speak mandarin to my primary school friends and secondary school friends and now i have to communicate with english. Sounds culture shock,right?? But i got speak mandarin to my seniors who are chinese educated people but not many. Feel regret because i cant speak english fluently.

Well,i really like the o-level education system because their time limit is normally 9 years.So mostly my friends who have their o-levels end at age 17 or 16 years old.And they will start their a-levels after they finish their o-levels exam. But their results normally out at August because it follows UK system.

Well,i can only graduate on June 2010 because my econs in edexcel a-levels is 2 years.It is because unit 2 and unit 4 they do not offer on january exam. So i have to study econs from Feb to May 2010. Well,i like this system because i can resit my paper as many as i like.:) I also can have a chance to have past years papers in internet and also some websites for a-levels students. Thus, i manage to post the question that i m stuck into the a-levels websites.:)

So,i have stop here. Now listening:teardrops onmy guitar by taylor swift

Friday, August 21, 2009

My next semester goals

My next sem goals:

1.try to do best in c3 and c4

2.resit accounting paper.(but my acc lecturer doesn't allow me to do this.And my mum wanted me to resit.haiz.....)

3.resit my business unit 2(maybe)

4.resit econs unit 2.(maybe)

5.Do best in my business unit 3&4,econs unit 3 and accounting unit 2.

Still got 1 more week to semester break.During the break have to study because the trials coming soon that is in oct.Have to work harder to maintain my scholarship.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My result already out on 20th aug.However i m not satisfied with certain results.May resit certain paper.

Economics unit 1 - 70

Economics unit 2 - 78

Mechanics 1 - 81

statistics 1 - 91

business studies unit 1 - 65

business studies unit 2 - 55

Accounting unit 1 - 234/300

So,for AS level i get A in maths,C for business,B for accounting and B for econs. I might resit business unit 2 bcos i want to get at least C and accounting because i missed 6 marks to get an A.
Econs not so sure but i also missed 6 marks to get an A in AS level.Haiz....... Btw,congrats to mckl-ians who get straight a's in a-levels results.

Friday, August 14, 2009

BBQ nite parties

Okay then,i promise Zong Yuan to update my blog and i will post bbq nite pics.Well,i am lazy to talk abt.Let pictures do the talking.:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I hate this


From Sept 1..........

I take this bus everyday to and fro to my college.So now currently i pay rm2 to take this bus to my college.From sept 1,i need to pay rm6 to go and fro to my college.Wtf???? The govt said they will increase the fare at 30% but now the fare is increase to 200%!!!!!!!! The govt really break their promise!!! Malaysia boleh,everything put boleh!!!!!
ps:next month i have to buy rapid pass.It saves rm20 but it is still expensive!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

BBQ nite

BBq nite is totally awesome fun!!!!Btw,i cant bring my camera because my sis took it away!!!:( Luckily i manage to borrow padma's camera to snap some pics. However,she still havent post the pic in facebook,so cant copy lor.:(

Will upload soon.:P